Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Came to a Conclusion...

I am an idiot! Why you ask your self? The answer to your question is that I am only now reading the blogs of all of my beloved friends and I feel like a horrible person. So many exciting and wonderful things have happened in everyones lives and I have been selfishly oblivious to them, to those of you who have been all but ignored I am very very sorry, I promise I will try to do better. Well thats enough apologizing. As some of you read my blog you may notice that occasionally I may forget the letter D in places, that is surprisingly enough not due to my complete lack of spelling ability but due to the fact that my adorable little puppy felt that my smoothie sitting on my bedside table was also his smoothie an so he attempted to share with me, and in doing so spilled it all over my laptop, killing my letter D, unless I violently stab at it. Luckily for him he happens to be incredibly cute and lovable other wise he may very well have ended up out side without a collar. Just kidding... mostly.


  1. I noticed you like art and thought you might like my new art blog.. i post a new famous painting daily, thanks =)

  2. Love you kitty! I am excited for you to have this blog so that we can keep up better with eachother. we are BFFs after all. LOVE YOU!!!
